Featured Services
Our dedicated team of pharmacists is here to serve you with a wide range of services.
Prescription Services
We provide prescription fills and medication education in addition to prescription delivery for our community.
Blister Packing Services
Our team helps you manage your medication through our blister packing services.
Renal Agency Pharmacy
We are the north Okanagan region’s BC Renal Agency Pharmacy.
Diabetes Education
We’re here to help educate you on managing your diabetes.

Free Prescription Delivery
Get your medication or pharmacy supplies conveniently delivered to you at no extra cost. To schedule your delivery, call us at 250-545-3660 — please allow 24 hours advance notice or prescription delivery whenever possible. We provide free prescription delivery services to the Vernon and Coldstream areas Monday through Friday (no service on Stat holidays or weekends). The cut-off time for delivery requests within Vernon is 12:00 pm the day we deliver to your neighbourhood. Delivery will be made approximately between 9:30am and 5pm.
Our Happy Customers
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